In an alternate world, bubbles raining down upon the world have...
Part two of Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot...
Daisuke Kanbe, a detective with extraordinary assets, is assigned...
An alternate ending to Steins;Gate that leads with the eccentric...
Mitsuyoshi Tada, a boy who has never known love, is taking pictures...
Following their crushing defeat at the hands of Godzilla Earth...
Humanity, their alien allies, and Godzilla all enter their endgame...
War in Africa is suddenly sideswiped by the first known "Ajin"...
Years into the future and the human race has been defeated several...
Schoolchildren Norimichi, Yƻsuke and Jun'ichi want to know if...
A story set alongside the video game Final Fantasy XV, starring...
The second part in the Ajin trilogy on high schooler Kei, a demi-human...
With Sato rendered powerless, Kei Nagai hatches a plan. However...
An OVA that shows how Shuu Tsukiyama and Chie Hori met.
For high schooler Kei - and for at least forty-six others - immortality...
Anime shorts created in collaboration with IBM.