The plan to reclaim Trost falls apart when Eren's newfound powers...
After the Titans break through the wall, the citizens of Shiganshina...
Our team of apocalyptic survivors find themselves on a remote...
Seven years after the defeat of the Spiral King, Simon and the...
When Imperial forces attack the small border town of Bruhl, Welkin...
Simon and Kamina, brothers in arms, take upon themselves to venture...
A teenage assassin is cleaning up the streets of Tokyo. The police...
2000 years from now, humans are nearly exterminated by titans....
Cobra, a famous charismatic space pirate with "psychogun" for...
A peculiar transfer student named Ougi Oshino has just arrived...
A friendless teenager, feared by his fellow classmates, joins...
A boy named Itsuka Shido meets a spirit girl who has been rejected...
"Seiichi Hiiragi is an ugly, revolting, dirty, smelly fata**"...
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom of fairy tales called "Märchenland"...