It follows Summer's life as her mother Vivian and daughter Chloe...
Robert Portman lost his job, so he can't afford sufficient alimony...
When a woman loses her child, this traumatic event takes her...
This is based on a true story about two sisters who sue their...
A woman moves back to New York and hires a ditzy New Age woman...
Fact-based drama about the life of Marie Balter, who spent most...
Young and shy Jeff discovers his attraction to men. After struggling...
A shopkeeper is condemned by the police & the press for sleeping...
It's Christmas Eve 1944 in the small town of Bedford Falls, New...
Martin and Sally Cramer are a well-off couple of thirty-something...
Based on the beloved children's album that helped challenge gender...
An unwed mother-to-be marries a total stranger who is avoiding...
A delightful, animated musical version of Charles Dickens' classic...
Ann Marie is a struggling actress living in New York City. In...