This upcoming Cartoon Network series centers around Lion-O and...
A story about Genos when he meets Don Pacino, a C class wanted...
Sonic faces his fear and meets a new friend.
Silverfang stalks and pursues Saitama and Genos to come to his...
Sinbad resents his country that keeps waging wars and forces...
In a world of superhuman beings, Saitama is a unique hero, he...
Guts, "The Black Swordsman", is pursued by demons who are attracted...
The Seven Deadly Sins were once an active group of knights in...
follows a young boy named Makoto, who gains superpowers due to...
With the space program attempting to travel to Mars, 21st century...
Nakajima Atsushi was kicked out of his orphanage, and now he...
Atsushi Nakajima has finally grown accustomed to the crazy lifestyle...