The aftermath of Rebecca's Thanksgiving pronouncement to the...
Randall and Rebecca embark on a road trip and reflect on their...
Kevin takes the twins to the cabin in hopes of proving himself...
Jack visits Ohio.
The Big Three celebrate their 41st birthday.
With three newborns simultaneously entering the Pearsons' collective...
Four separate trips transporting newborns from the hospital to...
Dog lovers believe their canine family members understand language...
Five specific periods in Jack's life are presented largely in...
It's Super Bowl Sunday, what was Jack and Rebecca's favorite...
1972. Jack, heartbroken in seeing Rebecca with another man, instead...
Randall is hosting his first campaign rally--an eat-and-greet...
Kate struggles with Toby's depression; Randall makes time for...
The history of the Pearsons told through the life of the family...
The Pearsons gather to support Kevin at his movie premiere; The...
Kevin helps Randall and Beth with a project; Kate contemplates...