The plot revolves around the life of a family man. Unexpected...
Six years after the terrible event that almost destroyed his...
The story of legendary Kunjali Marakkar IV and his epic warfare...
Sachidanadan had to go to the juvenile home for committing...
In the aftermath of the death of the state's CM, chaos erupts...
Manikkunnel Ittymaani, son of a prominent Chinese martial arts...
With the arrival of electricity in Kerala in the early 20th century...
Dreaded by the rich and corrupt and revered by the poor and downtrodden...
Sunny meets with an accident. As his life hangs in the balance...
Set in UK, Drama follows the hilarious yet enthralling journey...
Two youths, a Muslim and a Hindu, get trapped in a religious...
This onscreen adaptation of the story 'Pranayopanishad' (The...
Three men are murdered by a killer who teases the police department...
Professor Mathew Idikkula, who reformed the atmosphere of a college...
The story of the 1971 war between India and Pakistan is told...
Murugan has a rivalry towards tigers from childhood. From childhood...