When a woman returns home to celebrate the anniversary of the...
A teenage girl is abducted and held in a forest in an underground...
During a day out with her daughter to a carnival, a photographer...
In the brief moments before a hate crime occurs, a young woman...
In preparation for the Friday night briefing for the Saturday...
When the President collapses on the eve of his State of the Union...
A drug dealer's appeal of the federal death penalty is rejected...
In a lecture at Georgetown, Josh recalls the previous week at...
When the Federal Reserve Chairman dies, Bartlet must quickly...
Suffering from stage fright, a talented and shy violinist learns...
Jimmy has a gambling debt and uses a lie to get his girlfriend...
The story of Helen Keller's years at Radcliffe College.
The series follows an attorney and her husband, an Irish police...
An aspiring artist runs from men as a result of an early life...
Five years in, bank colleagues Nadine Ship and Jonathan Evans...
Chronicles the life of Dorothy Day who dedicated herself in service...