The tense survival tale is set over several late-night hours...
A young girl who had her life ruined by an ambitious, unscrupulous...
Diego Borges (Benício) is a famous movie star at the peak of...
In Rio, Máiquel is without prospects. He's philosophical and...
Fifteen year ago, Carlos went to the cinema to meet Júlia, his...
Plagued by chronic motion sickness, Isabella--a sultry Brazilian...
In a dangerous but human Rio de Janiro's slum, rises the love...
The meeting of a man with his image 20 years younger. This is...
The story of Ana Francisca, who begins the soap opera as a young...
Centers on day-to-day operations of the law enforcement agency...
Doomed tells the story of Leandro (Cauã Reymond, from Brazil...
The story of rival stylists Jacques Leclair and Victor Valentim...