Set in the near future, "Swan Song" is a powerful, emotional...
'Black and Blue' is an action thriller about a rookie cop (Naomie...
Athena-1, a space station owned by gene manipulation company...
Nelson Mandela is a South African lawyer who joins the African...
Set in a mountain village in Kenya the film tells the remarkable...
In 1939 Hortense, illegitimate but intelligent and ambitious...
After yet another failed relationship, 30-something Duncan (Brendan...
Trained since childhood to be a lethal killer, Raizo has since...
Tom and Josh Sterling have a start-up dot-com. It's gone public...
A drama of four interconnecting stories revolving around love...
Awaking from a coma to discover his wife has been killed in...
This made-for-tv documentary treats horror fans to a behind-the-scenes...
In 1992 a group of labour activists, Paul, Maggie and Irène...
The Tomorrow People are the next stage of human evolution. They...
In 1970s England, cultures start to mix and cross with different...