Revolves around the mysterious death of India's 2nd Prime Minister...
After serving a sentence of ten years in prison for a murder...
Adi and Tara move to Mumbai to pursue their dreams. A chance...
A mysterious bomb blast in a business tycoon's factory prompts...
An adaptation of William Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus set in...
On the eve of Independence, the chairman of the Border Commission...
Newlywed Tara Deshpande receives the horrifying news that her...
Mr Dharam at the age of 55 figures out that he was adopted by...
Dedh Ishqiya is a 2014 Indian comedy thriller film. Out from...
Late one night, an undelivered letter is returned to postmaster...
Jackpot is a fast-paced thriller con, with sharp comic one-liners...
Ishqiya is a story about love arising in characters, portrayed...
After the passing of her mother and the suicide of her 15-year...
Barah Aana is a comedy of real life, set in today's Mumbai. The...
A struggling actor(Ranvir Shorey) gets caught up with the 'wrong...
A man calls up the Mumbai police, and tells them he has placed...