Twenty-five years after the original series of murders in Woodsboro...
Seventeen-year-old Zach Sobiech is a fun-loving high school senior...
After the untimely death of his mother, a teenager befriends...
A security expert must infiltrate a burning skyscraper, 225 stories...
A right wing talk show host's life takes a sudden turn when his...
Walter Gary Benjamin works as a ticket-taker slash ticket-tearer...
Sixteen years ago, a series of brutal murders shattered the peaceful...
Every morning, Martin Pyrite gets dressed, takes breakfast, kisses...
"""The Philanthropist"" chronicles the heroic adventures of...
Deep behind-the-scenes into the strip-mined world of Alberta...
To fight crime, a new hero is created, but there are a few small...
Gian Singh & Avtar Singh are officers with the Indian Army serving...
'Every day is another day closer to the day I'll never have to...
On a mission to locate his biological parents, a tightly wound...
This film tells the tale of the Harper Affair, in which young...
20-minute documentary about the making of Showtime's original...