When a cult of terrorists ruins a city by releasing a toxin that...
After the events of Season 4 of the Anime, Izuku Midoriya and...
Aya Asagiri is a middle school girl who has problems both at...
High school student Ritsu Shikishima begins to unravel when he...
In the late Edo Period, a demon known as the Impure King killed...
A young girl, from a civilization that resides in deep underground...
A world, forever beyond your expectations. In a dark, cramped...
Rin and his friends, along with the rest of True Cross Academy...
Earth in the near future has become threatened by other dimensional...
In a world populated with superhumans, the superhero-loving Izuku...
Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never...
Mankind has developed superpowers known as "Quirks"; this is...
A professional dancer named Sengoku rescues Tatara, an introverted...
Mizuto and Yume are a former couple who enjoyed a relationship...
Shikimori seems like the perfect girlfriend. But she has a cool...