In a world terrorized by super-villains, one woman has developed...
Poppy attends an art exhibit for her friend, successful lifestyle...
A Marine Corps veteran suffering from PTSD takes his kids from...
As she looks into the deaths, Poppy uncovers a massive secret....
Reimagining Roald Dahl's beloved story for a modern audience...
Poppy zeroes in on her new suspect, and Warren makes a fateful...
Poppy enlists an unlikely ally in her hunt. The events of Halloween...
The inspiring story of trailblazing African American entrepreneur...
Poppy and Markus trace their prime suspect's movements on the...
Poppy continues building her new case, while Warren faces repercussions...
A devastated Poppy tries to walk away from the case, but it won't...
A married couple is forced to reckon with their idealized image...
Identifying a new suspect has unintended consequences in Poppy's...
In this new psychological horror-thriller from Tate Taylor and...
Markus drops a bombshell about a potential suspect's motive....
While reviewing an old case, Poppy comes face-to-face with the...