In a small Swedish town during the 1980s two strangers accidentally...
Jonas Olsen, a chess player haunted by a tragic past, is given...
Detective Roland Hassel's father figure and mentor, Yngve Ruda...
Former criminal Rickard has vanished. Fleeing Sweden and the...
In a near future, the world order has changed. With its 15 millions...
Set in the near future, multi-national corporations are Europe's...
A woman in her forties are trying to adopt. She gets tangled...
A week before Christmas, Estelle lands at Arlanda Airport. A...
1962. A young generation rebels against the Establishment. Peace...
It's Christmas Eve, and the vicarage there is a sumptuous Christmas...
Mina is a young single mother living in Oslo with her 6 year...
Puck has managed to get a job working for the eccentric Nobel...
The country estate of Rödbergshyttan is surrounded by heavily...
Einar Bure and his fiancée Puck Ekstedt are invited to a wedding...
Puck Ekstedt, doctoral student in literature, is invited by her...
Newlywed Eje and Puck Bure arrive to Skoga for a three-week holiday....