The film, written and directed by Schrader, follows William Tell...
Television drama miniseries which re-examines the original's...
Everyone's favorite spooky family is back in the animated comedy...
At last, Richard, a solitary and compassionate corrections officer...
Loyalties are tested when five friends and former special forces...
While the First Order continues to ravage the galaxy, Rey finalizes...
and Morticia Addams move to a derelict asylum in New Jersey...
During a self-imposed exile in Arles and Auvers-Sur-Oise, France...
Director Chris Weitz's historical thriller is based on the story...
As a young New York couple goes from college romance to marriage...
Set during the last days of the Ottoman Empire, The Promise follows...
An origin story, of sorts--LIGHTNINGFACE stars Oscar Isaac as...
A suicidal artist goes into the desert, where he finds his doppelgänger...
Mayor Nick Wasicsko took office in 1987 during Yonkers' worst...
Academy Award®-Winning documentary filmmaker Charles Ferguson...
A crime drama set in New York City during the winter of 1981...