Three girls find themselves accused of attempt to murder after...
An exiled heir to billionaire, returns after his father was murdered...
Katamarayudu (Pawan Kalyan) and his brothers settle the issues...
The story revolves around a maverick cop Sardaar Gabbar Singh(Pawan...
The film is a remake of the 2012 Hindi film OMG and is about...
The Nanda family based in Milan,Italy is a very powerful family...
Venkatarathnam Naidu (Pawan Kalyan), son of Suhasini and step...
Rambabu (Pawan Kalyan) owns a garage and is a mechanic. But he...
Jai, an orphan, is taken in and nurtured into a hitman by a gangster...
Sanjay, a young man, joins an extremist group after having had...
Balu is about a youngster who is ready to sacrifice everything...
Shankar aka Gudumba Shankar, a petty-thief, falls in love with...
Balu (Pawan Kalyan) falls in love with a girl at first sight...