A romantic comedy about a New York socialite who fakes her identity...
A crime drama featuring main character Cat Chambers, a thief-turned-fixer...
A woman acting as a surrogate for her estranged sister is put...
When a young boy witnesses a murder, Carrie must put aside the...
An inspiring look at JK Rowling's rise to become one of the most...
When a murder reunites former detective Carrie Wells with her...
When a hotel maid is accused of murdering a guest who she says...
When a crime scene is destroyed in an explosion moments after...
An overweight magazine editor leads a double life as a sassy...
Nadine, a beautiful lawyer from Chicago, travels alone to Tijuana...
Wall Street golden boy Ted Ammon falls madly in love with sassy...
Eating café-owner Reg(inald) and photographer Julia had only...
A well-liked teacher who is eager to change the world disappears...
A boxer vanishes moments before a fight that would've meant...
A TV reporter goes missing shortly after filing a report with...
Jack finds himself at the center of an investigation into how...