Dwitiyo Purush is a sequel of Baishe Srabon where Prosenjit Chatterjee...
'Mohishashur Mordini' is the most popular program on Indian Radio....
Gumnaami is a film based on the Mukherjee Commission Hearings...
It is about a lawyer who loses his eyesight and what he leads....
A modern day adaptation of two of William Shakespeare's tragedies...
A simple tale of a married and a separated couple. A married...
A young couple meet a mysterious man who, in the course of conversation...
The plot refers to the life of Anthony Firingee (Hensman Anthony)...
Prime leader of a campaign against a big government project is...
Several murders have taken place through out the city of Kolkata....
The plot revolves around three lives - a superstar, a young director...
The story of "Dwando" revolves around Sudipta who faces a serious...
The book, Binodini, is the story of a young woman, who is left...