The plot revolves around the life of a family man. Unexpected...
Four friends, Ramkumar, Kalyan, Parameshwaran and Abdulla, who...
As a college professor's brutal murder sparks student unrest...
The film is set in the late 90s revolving around the life of...
Conflicts started to happen in Moosa Khader's home after the...
The film tells the riveting story of a complex murder case, parallelly...
Star is about a couple, Roy (Joju) and Ardra (Sheelu). Married...
Sam, an ace pianist and a pretentious blind man accidentally...
The story revolves around the clash between Ayyappan, a senior...
Two Schools - one for the rich and one for the poor. Two rival...
A famous actor needs to renew his driver's licence, and the motor...
One day Rony meets an unexpected guest Chandy and they become...
When forces within and beyond this world conspire to snatch his...
Joshua who spent almost two decades outside the country to earn...
Trapped in a life of crime, a mysterious getaway driver, lives...
Two youths, a Muslim and a Hindu, get trapped in a religious...