A history of horror movies hosted by Anthony Perkins, and featuring...
Performer Ken Murray first arrived in Hollywood in 1927 a relative...
The outlaw Stragg has the town so intimidated that no one will...
Private detective Simon Lash and his assistant Eddie Slocum are...
The spirit of an executed murderer enters the body of a physician...
A soldier survives a bombing in which his three fellow soldiers...
Prof. Franz Mueller is trying to sustain brain activity to keep...
Deresco owner of a night club in neutral Portugal, works a free-lance...
Nazi spies use a stolen shortwave transmitter prototype to broadcast...
Detectives Dick Williams and Andy McAllister find themselves...
On a boring winter afternoon, Alice dreams, that she's visiting...
Nellie Rimplegar has to tell her grown children that due to her...
A college professor and the school's star football player are...
After his ship goes down, Edward Parker is rescued at sea. Parker...
The sister of a convicted murder is convinced that he is innocent...
Mike is a great tuna fisherman although he lost a hand to a shark...