In Manhattan, Eurasian acting student Julia Chamonix (Ha Phuong)...
When the owner of Hartman's Rock Club (Richard Chamberlain) falls...
A single father decides to break his dying wife's last wish to...
In the Golden Age of Piracy, at the dawn of the 18th century...
The story of Frank Cassilis and Northmour as both seemingly try...
Dane Corvin (Chamberlain) returns to Raven Island where 20 years...
Allen, a struggling young artist who once survived by working...
Actually taking place in the middle of the original Thorn Birds...
Everybody expected military flight Boxtop 22 from Thule into...
Sally Field hosts this thorough documentary about actress Barbara...
Based on a true story, an adoring wife and mother is taken hostage...
A false preacher ingratiates himself with a dead man's family...
An unconscious man is washed ashore on the beach of a small French...
A very long, beginning-to-end life story of an eighteenth century...
John Charles Fremont, the American adventurer, the free-spirited...