In nineteenth century London, a young girl falls for a famous...
After completing the deadly mission in Strike Commando (1986)...
Jules Maigret, a meticulous Parisian police detective, is a famous...
Threatened with recapture after a prison escape, Martin Stechert...
An Englishman, John Morgan, lives 30 years as a Sioux named Man...
James Hatcher embezzles ten million dollars from a joint mafia/CIA...
Part of the cable series "HBO Theatre", this is a videotaped...
An influential businessmen is stressed out by work. This leads...
The Tarzan story from Jane's point of view. Jane Parker visits...
A washed-up inventor takes matters into his own hands in a very...
The South African businessman David Swansey (Richard Harris)...
In a post-apocalyptic world divided between two groups called...
A British multinational seeks to overthrow a vicious dictator...
Aboard the cargo vessel converted into a luxury cruise ship...
After witnessing his mate and child's death from Nolan's hands...
Lemuel Gulliver washes ashore on Lilliput and attempts to prevent...