The story of a cannibalistic serial killer named Jeffrey Dahmer...
Set inside a pre-war duplex in downtown Manhattan, The Humans...
A woman's life is turned upside down when her criminal parents...
Stanley's last shift at his fast food job takes an unexpected...
Aspiring NYC artist John Hollar returns to his middle America...
LBJ centers on the political upheaval that Vice President Johnson...
A look at a seemingly placid New England town that is actually...
A former track coach decides to train a student with natural...
When Mickey's crazy step-son Leon is killed in a construction...
A young man living in Los Angeles has been estranged from his...
A.C.O.D. follows a seemingly well-adjusted Adult Child of Divorce...
In an innocent heartland city, five are shot dead by an expert...
South Carolina US Army Special operations soldier John is on...
In Los Alamos, New Mexico, the twelve year-old Owen is a lonely...
A troubled high-school kid pretending to be dying of cancer confronts...
Since his parents died in a train crash, Will Donner refused...