Numbers in Jane's tattoos leads them to investigate a university...
Rich Dotcom realizes he will never survive in prison, so he decides...
When a mysterious young girl with a tattoo connection falls into...
Criminal hackers infiltrate the FBI building, causing it to be...
After Patterson discovers a hidden message in the New York Times...
Pic is about four young guys who reunite at an ex-classmate's...
It's Carnival time: Toni Bernette finds Judge Gatling dispensing...
Sonny rushes, but still misses the boat. Fats Domino tickles...
Desautel's on the Avenue opens softly. Sonny pawns instruments...
Janette Desautel gets attacked by crawfish ravioli. Terry Colson...
Antoine Batiste does the 'Cupid Shuffle,' as Desiree's mother's...
Season Three Finale. Davis McAlary and Cheeky Blakk go 'full...
Antoine Batiste does a good deed, and a homeowner suspects Nelson...
Antoine decides to form a band; Vincent Abreu drops a suspicious...
Antoine contemplates a move, while LaDonna resists one; Davis...
LaDonna confronts the return of the crime problem; Sofia channels...