After the Treasure Island adventure, Long John Silver turns up...
Ewart Gray (Donald Sinden) is the new Resident-in-Charge of the...
Rommel has the British in retreat on his way to the Suez Canal....
After stealing a loaf a bread to feed a starving family, Jean...
In 1674, "reformed" pirate Sir Henry Morgan is a high official...
Enchanted by the idea of locating treasure buried by Captain...
A good-for-nothing sailor walks out on his young family leaving...
London psychiatrist Clive Riordan, royally fed up with the repeated...
Bill Saunders, disturbed ex-soldier, kills a man in a postwar...
The immortal characters of Charles Dickens' classic novel, Oliver...
A group of people search for Nazi treasure hidden in the Alps....
The leader of an Irish separatist group's, been hiding in the...
In post-war Britain, widower Bert Mallinson raises his teen-aged...
A Swedish atomic scientist, Professor Hansen, is kidnapped in...
Episodic telling of 20 years of the working-class Gibbons family...
In the inspired Olivier concept, Shakespeare's play begins as...