A daring dream to scale the world's most challenging trio of...
An elite squad of Navy SEAL's, on a covert mission to transport...
Special forces agent Vic Davis is on his way to pick up his estranged...
Nadine and Isaac's team take a run at one of the heads of Atlas;...
Bob Lee and Isaac meet with a former high level operative as...
Bob Lee and Isaac must follow exacting instructions to meet up...
A friend of Earl's holds the key to rogue operation he conducted...
Bob Lee hunts for the men who murdered his father. Julie follows...
Bob Lee is searching for Red Jr. which leads him to a fringe...
Bob Lee investigates the local slaughterhouse as part of his...
An estranged father reunites with his young son in Depression-era...
Bob Lee hopes to find answers to his father's murder at the local...
Bob Lee and Isaac lead an ambush on an Atlas training facility....
Bob Lee finally gets payback for Earl's death with some help...
Bob Lee Swagger is kidnapped by Solotov. Julie and Isaac team...