The class arrives in another world and they encounter a desolate...
Karasuno High joins up with Kanto's powerhouse schools for...
A recap of the first season of the popular anime series "Haikyuu!!"....
The members of the Karasuno volleyball team, push themselves...
Our hero Naruto is caught in special chakra that propels him...
Four Kekkei Genkai shinobi who have been guarding the Hidden...
When Saito, an ordinary teen living in Japan, is suddenly whisked...
Seven schools are constantly "at war" with each other, and the...
When you've got acute gynophobia, even a pretty girl can be...
A popular online game, Yggdrasil, is quietly shut down. A player...
"I'll make it so your body's unable to forget mine." Saijou Takato's...
Isekai Quartet is a Japanese anime series that serves as a chibi-style...
Mukouda Tsuyoshi is transported to a fantasy world and discovers...
Childhood friends Tachibana Hinata and Jinguji Tsukasa were living...