Robinson "Tyler Dean Flores" is a lonely, teenager who uses his...
In this crime horror thriller inspired by the style of 70s horror...
It's a new day for the Halifax Highlanders. A pro lockout has...
Ted Morgan has been treading water for most of his life. After...
Over a decade has passed and the gang return to East Great Falls...
Doug Glatt of Orange, Massachusetts is floundering in life, having...
Lem is just an average teenager working on getting the girl and...
Gary, an overzealous high school janitor (Seann William Scott)...
Danny and Wheeler, well into their 30s, lack something: Danny...
At 33, Doug Stauber is ready for a promotion. He's married, wants...
Fatherless John Farley's youth frustration, even trauma, like...
A dramatic comedy about a self-induced attention-deficit disordered...
Southland Tales is an ensemble piece set in the futuristic landscape...
In Georgia's dusty Hazzard County, the close-knit Duke cousins...
The Rock as a bounty hunter who attempts to square a debt by...
Justin Timberlake and Seann William Scott hand out awards the...