Despite going through the motions of milestone events similar...
Seven-part limited series about Roger Ailes, the founder of Fox...
Gretchen Carlson secretly tapes Roger's harassment for over...
Roger finds his legacy in Joe Lindsley, a 25-year-old acolyte...
With the election of "Barack Hussein Obama," Roger and Fox News...
Fox News Channel is now the dominant news outlet and Roger is...
Once Gretchen Carlson's lawsuit becomes public, Roger moves into...
Thrust into a citywide manhunt for a duo of cop killers, NYPD...
Fox News Channel is on the cusp of passing CNN to become the...
In a small, blue-collar town in Pennsylvania, a 32-year-old woman's...
Successful actress Vera Lockman thrashes during a nightmare in...
The Lost City of Z tells the incredible true story of British...
Class struggle becomes all too real as a young doctor moves into...
Chef Adam Jones (Bradley Cooper) had it all - and lost it. A...
Mona (Golshifteh Farahani), 26, an immigrant from North Africa...
When Grace Kelly retires from films to marry Prince Rainier Alfred...