Follows Catwoman in an attempt to steal a priceless jewel. This...
A musical celebrating the world, characters, and songs of Disney...
Encanto tells the tale of an extraordinary family, the Madrigals...
The squad takes Capt. Holt up on an offer for a weekend getaway....
Jake and Rosa must deal with a mother in mourning when they work...
Jake and Holt clash over the merits of a new hire in the 99th...
Terry believes the Pontiac Bandit has gone back to stealing cars...
Jake and Amy go on their honeymoon; Gina and Charles get into...
Rosa and Amy team up to take down their "white whale" suspect...
There's nothing like the holidays in Apocalypseburg.
The squad rushes to save Jake and Amy's wedding day from a major...
The Nine-Nine fears for Rosa's safety when she responds to...
Explores themes of female empowerment through sex, work, and...
Bonnie, a young, successful Latina architect, is assaulted while...
Captain Ray Holt (Andre Braugher) takes over Brooklyn's 99th...