A renowned exorcist teams up with a rookie priest for his first...
Hiding out for years in an isolated cabin, Norman Nordstrom has...
A group of old war veterans put their lives on the line to defend...
This is a conspiracy theory period movie based on true events...
Treasure hunter Nathan Drake finds himself captured while searching...
It's 1868 and the war has been over for three years. An old abandoned...
Rocky, a young woman wanting to start a better life for her and...
An army disabled veteran who lives in his house all by himself...
Set against the backdrops of Vietnam, WWII, and the Korean War...
From the director of Friday the 13th and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre...
In the prime of his youth, up and coming football star Travis...
A documentary filmmaker boards a train at Grand Central Terminal...
After 25 years of a good marriage, what will Darcy do once she...
In Bridgeport, Connecticut, Detective David 'Cal' Callahan is...
The film centers on Jake Tilton, who acquires a mystical "monkey's...
This conspiracy thriller is set in the early 80's, the beginning...