A small-town girl overcomes all societal barriers to become...
Jai Mummy Di is a light-hearted family comedy that portrays the...
Bauji's entire family comes under one roof for 13 days after...
Best of Luck Laalu is a film about a sixteen-year old boy, Amatya...
Meera, a beautiful Australian woman of Indian origin, living...
Modern adaptation of William Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'...
Narrated through the two wise kids of the hilariously madcap...
In Mumbai, Sid Mehra is, in the words of his father, an arrogant...
After witnessing the public humiliation & abuse of a female...
Hugh Grant stars as a British engineer who becomes entangled...
Tulsidas Parekh, forever in an angry mood, is the patriarch of...
The show charts the journey of a retired police constable who...
A middle class family wants to build a house which is a true...