When strangers Reet and Ruhan cross paths, their journey leads...
A gripping tale of an investigation and a family which is threatened...
The narrative revolves around Bantu (Allu Arjun), a skilled middle-class...
A carefree, middle-aged man who spends most of his time at parties...
a 50 year old Aashish living London away from his family fro...
A series of mysterious events changes the life of a blind pianist...
Gopal,Laxman1,Madhav,Lucky and Laxman 2 live in orphanage of...
A poor but talented Kashmiri boy Noor, is hired as a stable-keeper...
Vijay Salgaonkar runs a cable TV network in a remote and hilly...
Vishal Bhardwaj's adaptation of William Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'...
Grouchy, uptight 64-year-old Buddhadev Gupta lives a fairly wealthy...
While traveling by train to visit his grandfather in Jamshedpur...
A group of women find solidarity with each other as they negotiate...
Macbeth meets the Godfather in present-day Bombay. The Scottish...
Major Amrish Kaul resides in Kashmir, India with his family consisting...
Jhoomri and her husband, Bhimsha, move into a new neighbourhood....