Master is an action film from India about a professor, JD, who...
Sundar Ramaswamy is a highly successful non-resident Indian businessman...
It is an action-thriller, which revolves around an ordinary man...
Maaran, a sincere doctor who fights against corruption and Vettri...
When an honest cop, Vijay Kumar's family is ruthlessly slaughtered...
Maru Dheeran is a meek child brought up in an enslaved village...
A multinational company tries to forcefully take over a village...
Sivan (Mohanlal) is a well-respected don in the area of Madurai....
The film opens in the year 1988 with the death of Mumbai's King...
Jagdish (Vijay), an army captain, is back in Mumbai for a holiday...
Two buddies Venkatramakrishnan and Sevalkodi Senthil set out...
The film opens in Chennai with a crusader television journalist...
Bhoominathan aka Bhoomi is introduced to us as a person who gets...
Sura is a story that is set in Yaazh Nagar, a fishermen hamlet...
Ravi, a student aspiring to become a police officer, becomes...
Thamizh thug for hire in the city of Chennai who has no ties...