Comic Trevor Noah hosts the Grammy awards in Los Angeles, with...
In this special event, Oprah Winfrey sits down with actor Viola...
Released from prison after serving a sentence for a violent crime...
Tensions and temperatures rise over the course of an afternoon...
In rural 1977 Georgia, a misfit girl dreams of life in outer...
"Widows" is the story of four women with nothing in common, except...
Akosua Millard, codenamed "Koko," investigates and solves sticky...
Troy Maxson makes his living as a sanitation worker in 1950s...
The lives of three women are unexpectedly changed when they cross...
Lila, a grief-stricken mother reeling from her son's murder...
Nick Hathaway, an extremely talented hacker who has gone astray...
Following the death of their only offspring, an infant son named...
How far would you go to protect your family? Keller Dover is...
Teenager Ethan Wate (Alden Ehrenreich) is obsessed with his urge...
Two determined mothers with children who are failing in an inner...
Set in Mississippi during the 1960s, Skeeter (Stone) is a southern...