It follows Princess Turandot who is cursed by a mysterious power...
Set in 1920s Shanghai, Ma Zouri and Xiang Feitian establish...
This historical martial arts film adapted from the story of Guan...
Set in China during the warring 1920s, notorious bandit chief...
Jiang Wen stars in his third directorial work that boasts a stellar...
North of the vast 8th century Tang dynasty Chinese empire, the...
In a small village near the Great Wall, against the backdrop...
Goddess San Sheng Mu goes down to earth with the magical Lotus...
A spurned lover seeks a rich man for revenge. A random onlooker...
A semi-literate who was deprived of schooling during the Cultural...
In 1930s China a young woman is sent by her father to marry the...
Love, humiliation and politics play out in a distant village...