Blade finds himself alone surrounded by enemies, fighting...
A rare mutation has occurred within the vampire community. The...
Dean Singer has terminal cancer, yet is determined to spend his...
George "Ice Man" Chambers (Rhames) is a top ranked heavyweight...
Shaw is an operative for the United Nations' covert dirty-tricks...
Zora Banks is a school teacher and aspiring singer hoping to...
When a prisoner transport plane crashes, one prisoner, Mark Sheridan...
In a world where vampires walk the earth, Blade has a goal. His...
In 2025, Futuresport is the organized sport of the planet. But...
A 25 year old female White House staffer, Carla Town, is murdered...
Los Angeles advertisement director Max visits his friend, artist...
Three-times MVP baseball player Bobby Rayburn joins the San Francisco...
Three tales of African-American characters. "Long Black Song":...
Two foster brothers work as transit cops. While one's life is...
After jointly winning a local Drag Queen pageant in New York...
A team of skydiving crooks led by DEA-agent-turned-bad Busey...