Cora, a disenchanted and troubled young woman, begrudgingly answers...
In the wonderfully dysfunctional tradition of The Royal Tenenbaums...
At the age of 38, Mark O'Brien, a man who uses an iron lung...
Fiona starts to plan for her future now that Monica is back but...
A traditional Gallagher family Thanksgiving includes a suicide...
Monica returns to party with Frank, but nobody thinks she's back...
Mick Haller is a defense lawyer who works out of his Lincoln....
PORTRAITS IN DRAMATIC TIME a series of 40 art films created by...
A down-and-out film producer agrees to make his nephew's film...
Danny Stein is a high-school senior and class vice president;...
Four middle-aged men decide to take a road trip from Cincinnati...
A troubled loner, Bob Maconel, imagines blowing up the tower...
A man in a suit at a Manhattan firm leaves work on Friday; he...
In the US-government's special ops, Scott is a shooter, not...
At the height of Hitler's infamous U-boat war, the crew of the...
A Christmas story. Charlie Gigot is a mute super at a dingy New...