Based upon Natsuki Takaya's Fruits Basket manga series, It centered...
In the 21st century, where the existence of humanoid animals...
Sakaido is a genius detective who can track down any criminal....
The team discovers that when they grow up, their relationship...
* Based on an action shoujo manga by Yoshida Akimi. 1973, Vietnam...
An American street basketball team called Jabberwock comes to...
Karasuno High joins up with Kanto's powerhouse schools for...
Awaken...This is the only thing the youth of Hai to Gensou no...
The story takes place in a technologically advanced society in...
Kyotoryuu, is the legendary fencing school. However, instead...
The Teiko Middle School Basketball Team. The school that produced...
A group of bored delinquents are transported to a parallel wasteland...
In a city known as No.6, an elite student named Shion saves...
Hase Yuuki is interested in his unfriendly classmate Fujimiya...
About Erika who claims that popular boy, Sata is her boyfriend....
Junk Dog, an underground fighter with the alias of "Gearless...