Bad Candy follows local Halloween stories of both myth and lessons...
A young boy finds a mystical toymaker with stories to tell. The...
Enraged by the murder of its offspring, a Bigfoot rampages through...
A search and recovery team heads into the haunted swamp to pick...
Twelve Angry Men meets Silkwood in a suspenseful feature inspired...
A father and son on a weekend hunting trip encounter supernatural...
Horror tale of insects which eat their victims from the inside...
A cop lures his girlfriend and his former partner into the dangers...
Adam (Zach Galligan) who has a history of making impulsive and...
A brother and sister with a past incestuous relationship have...
The ultimate cop...judge, jury, and executioner, all in one....
Prepare yourself for the all too deadly future. Cash, the heroine...
Several jeweller's shops in L.A. are robbed, altogether diamonds...
Linda's boyfriend Brian loves checking out other women, so her...
Mark and Sarah survive to the fire in the wax museum, but Sarah...
The college student Patrick Costello shares an apartment with...