In the film, Ray (SkarsgÄrd), Claire (Riseborough) and their...
An enigmatic outsider living on a remote Scottish island finds...
A conventionally successful action movie star has aged out of...
One of the few remaining drone repairmen assigned to Earth, its...
Former criminal Jacob Sternwood is forced to return to London...
In 1993, the IRA member Collette is arrested in the London tube...
In 1998, an auction of the estate of the Duke and Duchess of...
In 1968, the Ford auto factory in Dagenham was one of the largest...
An adaptation of Graham Greene's classic novel about a small-town...
In a post-war election Margaret Roberts, University educated...
This short film was in competition at the Cannes films Festival...
During Oliver Cromwell's puritanical regicidal revolution, the...
A cocaine shipment makes its way to Europe, starting from the...
Like most twenty-somethings, Scott, Danny, Ashika and Kirsty...