Ecological thriller about the delicate interconnectedness between...
Woman works alongside her fisherman husband on an Island off...
Story of the rise and the fall of a young man in Paris who dreamed...
Two lovers meet 15 years after the first encounter, in the corridor...
From "Mon initiation chez les Chamanes" by Corine Sombrun. In...
Sandra, a young woman forced to leave the south of France to...
A dive in the heart of the ocean to discover, understand, love...
Madam de La Pommeraye, a young widow removed from the world...
Erwan, an unshakable mine-clearing expert, suddenly loses his...
Django Reinhardt was one of the most brilliant pioneers of European...
There was little chance, in the year 1971, that Carole, a Paris...
Marc Guermont used to be a very much sought after horse stuntman...
Xavier is now forty years old. So are Wendy, Isabelle and Martine....
In the high stakes world of espionage, one Russian FSB operative...
An average guy who works in a recycling plant wakes up one morning...
At about 11, the stubborn and impulsive Cyril seems on his way...