It follows Kara Robinson as she survives an abduction and ultimately...
Successful doctor, Raven Fields, finds herself drowning in work...
Jack Weber, a post-doctoral student on Hindu Vedantic Doctrine...
After a cop is found dead, a policeman's investigation starts...
A nostalgic, coming-of-age story of identical twin sisters who...
A couple in love, accidentally become teenage parents. Unpleasant...
A day in the life of three friends near a small town in West...
1945. The International Military Tribunal begins its work in...
Retired ex national team female handball player has become...
Aniket and Avani, a couple, decide to end their lives together....
Roy, a village boy who's a failure at studies, joins Christy's...
One man's efforts to uncover the truth thrust him into a labyrinth...
A parable about the spiritual restoration of the individual...
Luis, an 18-year-old boy with Indigenous roots, enters the Heroic...
The movie "Switch" is about top star Park Kang, who is a hit...